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ALANON Step 7 (10-15)

Step Seven

Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings

 Quote from Paths to Recovery:

 There is a natural progression through our steps and we are never asked to do anything before we are fully prepared and ready. In the same way. Step Seven is a natural follow-up to steps four five and six

 .Now that we've taken our inventory. Discussed the exact nature of our wrongs and become entirely ready for God to remove our defects it follows that the next step would be to ask Him to do so."On the surface Step Seven appears fairly simple."




THE FIRST WORD IS THE KEY TO STEP 7 --" HUMBLY"  loved this explanation of Humility:

"Not until you have failed can you learn true humility. Humility arises from a deep sense of gratitude to God for giving you the strength to rise above past failures. Humility is not inconsistent with self-respect. The true person has self-respect and the respect of others and yet is humble. The humble person is tolerant of others' failings, and does not have a critical attitude toward the foibles of others. Humble people are hard on themselves and easy on others."



Again I had a little confusion on how to proceed with this Step. "HUMBLE"  WAS A WORD I rebelled against as I thought it meant humiliation  and being less then  Groveling, and insignificant. THE next word was equally difficult  for me :"ASKED".  In my FOO if I asked for something people made sure to hold it over my head and never give it to me.  I learned young to never "ask "for things but to make sure i could do for myself   I also found early on that I could manipulate  people into giving  me what I wanted so it was  in my early years I developed many of my destructive  attitudes and behavior.  Now here at Step 7 must become HUMBLE and ASK.  .THANK HEAVEN FOR SPONSORS


She painstakingly explained that since I was powerless over these defects and could not remove them myself, I could then turn to HP and acknowledge this powerlessness) that was a reflection of humility. I look within know that I wanted to be free and behave differently, so that I could bite the bullet and "ask"


since then I have found it easy to pass can be humble. I can't begin, so I will let him. Al-Anon program has taught me that it is is safe to ask appropriate people for help and not be disappointed


 I also am very glad that I must ask HP to remove my defects and have the guidance of a sponsor. Without that are so many of my assetsas defects such as kindness, compassion, empathy- I saw my defects such as anger resentment and control as assets. How confused I was!!.


Step Seven questions from Paths to Recovery


 What does humility mean to me?


What defects am I ready to have removed?


Do I believe that my HP can rid me of my defects?


How am I humble ?


What helps me to keep the defects?


Am I ready to ask God to remove my defects?


How do I humbly ask God to take my shortcomings?
Can I treat myself with compassion in my recovery and ask for willingness to keep trying?

What positive changes can I making myself?

As I work step seven do I see a change in my relationship with my higher power?


What can I do this week to practice a positive trait?


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Thank you for your service and for setting up Step 7 with your ESH.

As I see more of how the steps work, I am so grateful for the gradual development that they allow. Twelve steps involving spiritual development and turning things over to someone else seemed daunting initially, but by focusing on one step at a time without worry of the outcome or what lay ahead I have enjoyed the journey.

This step did feel quite natural after cutting loose all of the attachments to my character defects in Step 6. Seeing humility as a state of strength was very refreshing, and makes complete sense after admitting our limitations in Step 1, our decision to turn our life and will over in Step 3, and the strengthening relationship and belief in my HP.

This step brought a sense of great relief, and a confident sense that my request and hard work will be rewarded with healthier choices, behavior, and sense of serenity.

Step Seven questions from Paths to Recovery

What does humility mean to me?
My sense of the meaning of humility changed slightly after studying and working this step. Paths to Recovery frames humility as a state of strength, not of weakness, something I really appreciated. I would now describe it as: My true acceptance of the assets and defects of myself and others as indications of our humanity, and my conviction that by asking my HP to remove my defects, my sustained effort to exchange negative, old habits with positive will meet with success.

What defects am I ready to have removed?

My fear, impatience, judging, and ungratefulness.

Do I believe that my HP can rid me of my defects?

Yes. My HP guided me to serenity and made my life manageable when dealing with my qualifier, which involved becoming aware and changing my behavior. I believe HP can help me in all of my affairs.

How am I humble ?

1.   Working steps 1-6 have helped me see and admit what my defects are, and embrace my assets. Trying to control alcohol taught me an invaluable lesson of my lack of control, and I have been able to apply that lesson to other aspects of my life. I have accepted that I have to turn everything over to my HP for my life to be manageable.  

What helps me to keep the defects?

My defects are deep seated, ingrained tendencies and patterns that were a large part of who I "was" in some situations. I didn't initiate them with intention or deliberate choice, they just "happened". I have distaste for my defects, but I saw some of them as unchangeable nature.

Also, there is a comfort and/or utility that is tied to some of them as I feel better about myself in some ways; there is some benefit to some of them.  

Am I ready to ask God to remove my defects?


How do I humbly ask God to take my shortcomings?

1.   As Paths states, there is no set way to communicate with our HP. My way involves meditation on changes I want to make, communicating my acceptance, powerlessness, awareness of my defects and my awareness that they can be removed only by my HP, and my desire for my HP to remove them.  

Can I treat myself with compassion in my recovery and ask for willingness to keep trying?

1.   I do this by accepting that: I am human, that I will never be perfect, recovery is a journey, progress is attainable perfection is not; by continuing to look to my HP for guidance and inspiration, peace and sanity.

What positive changes can I making myself?

Be fearless: live each day to its fullest by being grateful, loving myself and others, pushing myself to maximize my strengths and gifts. Increase my consistency and focus of my meditation sessions intended on replacing my negative tendencies and tools with positive program tools and habits.  

As I work step seven do I see a change in my relationship with my higher power?
Yes. HP is more real to me, I actually believe and trust it, less awkward. It feels more solid as an integral part of my program.

What can I do this week to practice a positive trait?

Commit to making all of my 2x daily meditation sessions, focused on letting HP remove my impatience and mentally rehearse showing love and kindness.



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Hi Paul thanks for sharing with your wisdom and honesty. The Steps are indeed well thought out and workable one Step at a time . I know at first ,when i viewed them as a whole they felt over whelming .
Thanks for sharing the journey.
Love the alanon slogan that states:" if you find yourself lost in the forest--remember that it only takes 12 Steps to walk out" . I found that to be true.


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Thanks for sharing, Paul!


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My share: I found myself struggling today with a lot of things, and landed here, where I am happy to find myself. This step work seems to be a perfect fit for me today. In my life, I expect to be able to figure things out, and I struggle with what to do when I cannot figure something out. Reading the shares here and reflecting on my own 7th step gives me the answer to my question. What do I do when I cannot figure something out or I don't know what to do? Turn it over to HP and humbly ask for help. I don't need to know all the answers all of the time, which is refreshing, freeing, and exciting!

What does humility mean to me?

To me, humility means admitting when I don't have all the answers, when I cannot do something myself, and doing so with peaceful acceptance, not a value judgement. It means asking for help without clear expectations of what that help will be. (Not planning it out, letting it develop as it is meant to develop.)

What defects am I ready to have removed?

fear, impatience, the vice-grip I have on grief, the belief that I have to "go it alone"

I returned to this question after answering a few others for more honest reflection. F-E-A-R is the defect that seems to rule my actions most, and I think it sums up the other defects: I am impatient with myself because I am afraid of not making progress. I hold on to my grief because I am afraid of what life would look like without it, also I am afraid to lose that last emotional connection to my late partner. I believe that I have to "go it alone" because I am afraid to trust and rely on others. I am afraid of getting hurt, and so I protect myself with all of these defects, but most of all, I am afraid.

Do I believe that my HP can rid me of my defects?

I do, I feel as though HP and I have been redeveloping our relationship and my trust in HP, and I do trust that HP can rid me of my defects.

How am I humble ?

By being willing to admit that I need help, and by asking for that help. By living fearlessly, instead of living by the rules of my fears.

What helps me to keep the defects?

Patterns of behavior. It is easy for me to give up the part of my day that I dedicate to myself and my recovery, and it is hard to make sure that I take the time I need for my recovery, especially on the days when my wife is home.

Am I ready to ask God to remove my defects?

I think that I am. I can so clearly see how I want to walk through this life, and I need HP's help to let go of the fear that holds me back.

How do I humbly ask God to take my shortcomings?

I ask by taking quiet time for myself, meditating, and putting myself in an environment conducive to speaking with my HP. (For me, this means taking time in nature.)

Can I treat myself with compassion in my recovery and ask for willingness to keep trying?

I can, and I think that I am getting better at this! I used to really beat myself up about mistakes and missteps, and now I can see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

What positive changes can I making myself?

I can take time with choices. I can ask myself if I am making a choice out of fear, and change the choice. I can dedicate myself to my recovery by attending meetings more regularly and finding new groups, I can take time each day for meditation and reflection.

As I work step seven do I see a change in my relationship with my higher power?

I do, I can see that I am more aware of HP being there, and that I am more willing to ask for help and to trust that HP will sort it out.

What can I do this week to practice a positive trait?

I can change my routine so that I read C2C in the morning and complete my self-reflection journaling in the evening. I was reading C2C in the evening because that was when my wife drank the most and I needed it the most. Now, I think it would be better for me to begin and end my day with awareness, reflection, and recovery.



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Great in depth share on Step 7 Skorpi - Thank you.
I loved your closing statement where by you decided it would be better to begin and end your day with awareness, reflection and recovery. I agree completely-
Your recovery is a Miracle in Progress.



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I am such a doormat/people pleaser, which is so ironic because when I people please, I end up seething with anger. Then, I do not say anything because I don't wat to disrupt the peace, then I start to hate myself.

What does humility mean
It means I get to work on this defect. Once I admit to myself, to my hp and another human, I get to see humility at work. I get to hear others experiences, share my own, and learn new ways of braving. Humility to me is a big sigh of relief.

What defects am I ready to have removed
People pleasing/doormat

Do I believe my hp can rid me of defers
Oh hell yeah. I have experienced it with my defect of judgement and when my higher power removed that defect, I felt my whole brain being retired in that instant. In that moment everything I had learned and was learning all made sense.

Am I ready for hp to reve this defect
Yes I am patiently waiting

How di I humbly ask God to remove these debts
God please help me god idontknow what to do please give me the right words God please give me courage. God I am open and willing to your guidance.

What positive choices can I make myself
Thinking about what I am offering someone and why before I say or do anything
Learning to say no or to say nothing at all
Being more direct - saying what I mean and mean what I say and then be quiet and steadfast



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Hello Knuckles Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Step 7 with such honesty. Welcome to MIP, i am looking forward to continuing the journey with you.



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I am still catching up - amazing how life get's in my way at times! Step 7 is a nice jump from Step 6, 5 and 4 before it. I like this step as it makes me truly consider what I am getting ready to do. I align with much of what's been said - humble was not a 'strong word' but rather a weak word - aligning my thinking/learnings with strength vs. weakness. I didn't view being humble as being an asset.

I too had a FOO where asking for something meant you would owe a pay back at some point. Nothing was/is free kind of mentality. I also will admit that a part of me feared giving up some defects to my HP (God) simply because they had carried me for so long. I wasn't fully aligned with giving them away gave me room for new behaviors/tools - growth. So, I had fear - nothing new.

I too am so grateful for a sponsor. She carefully explained and taught me that humility was to be teachable - it was not weak at all, but rather means to be open for 'new'. She also suggested that asking for help, esp. from God or within the program wasn't conditional. It was service to or service from another. Service work is from the heart and there's no keeping score and there are no paybacks!!

What does humility mean to me?
- Humility for me means being teachable. Being open to new things, new ways, new thoughts, new attitudes. It's about change for the good by actively hearing and learning what is 'real' around me vs. what might be old tapes playing in my head.

What defects am I ready to have removed?
- Defects that were not great to hold on to included perfectionism, controlling others, false pride, arguing to be right, fear of predicted events, fixing other's mistakes for self-preservation/selfish reasons, assuming history always repeats itself, wondering if an 'old dog can learn new tricks', stepping in the way of other's consequences.

Do I believe that my HP can rid me of my defects?
- I do believe that God can rid me of my defects. I do not believe this is a prayer and then I am cured and life is good. I believe he will nudge me in the right direction and allow me to choose to go to the next right step for a different way of doing/seeing/acting/reacting to things. Having faith is not enough - I must be willing to surrender and take contrary action for a different result.

How am I humble ?
- I had to work to learn humility. I am a smart person and was taught that 'knowledge is power'. My first lesson learned was this is not always the case. Knowledge is knowledge - it has nothing to do with power. Power also doesn't cure this disease, solve other issues nor does it change hearts/habits. So, I had to learn to be open-minded, open-eared and open-hearted. The best lesson that I got from this program and this step was that more than one person can be right and more than one way to a solution can be right. There's more than one way to skin a cat - if you will - and my way may not be the best way!

What helps me to keep the defects?
- Lack of faith in the program, my HP and/or impatience help me hold tight to some defects. At times, it's fear that starts the stinking thinking, that makes me question my faith and I grow impatient with the process. When I can stay in the moment/day, I am way better off at leaving my character defects on the upper shelf closer to HP than to me.

Am I ready to ask God to remove my defects?
- Yes I am. For me, accepting this disease is more powerful than me, and surrendering to my human form with all that means/brings is freeing and peaceful. Most of my defects had to do with my desire to fix, control, change or manage things that are beyond my personal scope. It took me a long while to realize how powerless I really am over people, places and things + events. I am a calmer, better person when I work on just me.

How do I humbly ask God to take my shortcomings?
- Prayer and meditation help me with faith in a power greater than me. Using program tools, slogans, literature and my sponsor to act and be different align me with right mind and right heart. As each step takes hold and draws me closer to the life I desire as well as improving my attitude and spirit, I also align with God. I spend time each day asking for him to show me and direct me to his will in my life and to help me grow and be a better person.

Can I treat myself with compassion in my recovery and ask for willingness to keep trying?
- Understanding and embracing humility help me realize that I am a flawed human who will make mistakes even if/when I am trying my best to do the next right thing. Being able to recover from mistakes, and add humor to lighten the load and my mood helps me 'know' that my HP - God - expects me to be flawed. Not only does he know I'll need extra/repeat assistance at times, he's always nearby to lead me when I wonder.

What positive changes can I making myself?
- I can choose to live one day at a time. I can choose to restart my day if/as needed. I can choose to stick with the winners and strive for a positive attitude. I can choose to make amends when I do/am wrong and I can keep working this program to the best of my ability.

As I work step seven do I see a change in my relationship with my higher power?
- Each day that I focus on me and my recover and not on my qualifiers and the pain of the past, I feel closer to God. Each day that I own my powerlessness and practice being one among many vs. isolating, I feel closer to God. Each time I am able to help another person 'just because', I feel closer to God. This program and the 'right living' it teaches me help me feel closer to God each day that I do it...when I slip or step away, I have the tools and knowledge to realign with him and very soon - all is well again in my mind/heart/soul.

What can I do this week to practice a positive trait?
- Just smile and nod kindly when my mother tells me the same thing 4-10 times. Just smile and answer politely when she asks the same question 4-10 times. Be grateful for their visit and stop counting down when they leave (cuz I get my bed back....!!!). Be helpful and continue patience knowing and believing that we are all doing the best we can with what we have. Make sure I tell each guest here that I love them when they prepare to go home.

(((Hugs))) to all - everyone went to bed early - it's a gr8 night to do some step work!


~~~Serenity is not the absence of turmoil but the ability to deal with it.~~~


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IAH Thanks for sharing with your usual honesty and clarity A Step 7 is indeed a great way to end the year .
I am happy that we are sharing the journey.



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Cristina Abundiz


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Welcome Christina

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